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lect15, Thu 05/30

Character Encoding

Slides PDF

Python Demo Code Used

Try these out again on IDLE and re-live the glory times from class… :)

def myCipher(myStr):
    newStr = ""
    for c in myStr:
        i = chr(ord(c) + 1)
        newStr += i
    return newStr

print(myCipher("come to the zoo at noon or the penguin gets it!!!"))

def deCipher(myStr):
    newStr = ""
    for c in myStr:
        i = chr(ord(c) - 1)
        newStr += i
    return newStr

print(deCipher(myCipher("I am a spy!")))

def MirrorEncrypt(message): # message is a string type
    result = ''         # start with an empty result
    for c in message:   # go thru every letter in message
                        # let’s apply the “mirror” formula:
        nc = ord(c)
        nr = ord('a') + ord('z') - nc

		# then accumulate the encoded chars, one at a time
        result = result + chr(nr)
    return result


print(MirrorEncrypt("meet me at the zoo or the giraffe is next!"))


print(MirrorEncrypt(MirrorEncrypt("I love CS8")))
