Python Topics
See also: Other Topics
- accumulator pattern—using a loop to accumulate a result (e.g. a count, or sum)
- assignment statements—giving a value to a variable, e.g., x=5
- boolean expressions—and, or, not and De Morgan's law
- command line arguments—passing command line arguments to a Python Script
- CSV files—reading and writing CSV (Comma Separated Value) files in Python
- dictionaries—Mappings from keys to values
- files—reading and writing files in Python
- float—the data type that represents real numbers
- for loops—for loops in Python, from basic to advanced
- format—dealing with stuff such as print('a={0:5} b={1:7}'.format(a,b)
- functional programming—an advanced topic; an alternative to iteration and recursion
- json—Access JSON data in Python
- MacOS—Using Python on MacOS
- main blocks—All about that crazy looking `if __name__=="__main__":` thing that you see in some Python code
- pytest—Unit Testing with the pytest module
- Python 2 vs. Python 3—Understanding the difference and why it matters
- recursion—functions that call themselves
- scientific computing—Python tools for science and data analysis
- Python: selenium—Automating a web browser (for web scraping)
- Testing—Simple Interactive Testing of Python functions, and pointers to more advanced testing techniques
- Turtle Graphics—Some basics about turtle graphics
- Python: unittest—module for test-driven development in Python