lab05 : Encryption and Decryption

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lab05 true Encryption and Decryption Tue 02/11 12:00AM Tue 02/18 08:59AM

Lab05 Slides

You can view the accompanying slides to lab05 here.

Warm-ups to Help with the Main Part of the Lab

In this lab you’ll get to:

Let’s get started by creating a file

IMPORTANT: For all functions, even if you are given code for it, you need to verify that the code is running correctly. As such, you want to always write your own tests to verify that you are able to correctly return the requested values.

Example of the use of modulo

Given a random number num, use it to index a list and advise the user on which step to take to succeed in this course. The user can provide any non-negative number num, and this number may be larger than the length of the list that we want to index.

Recall that indexing a list at an index greater than its length gives us an out of range error. For example:

>>> numbers = list(range(0,5))
>>> numbers
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> numbers[7]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range

Because the user can provide any non-negative number, its value needs to somehow map any non-negative num to one of the elements stored in the list. Given that there is a fixed number of elements in the list, in order to always pick an element from the list, we can think of numbers that are greater than len(stepsToSuccess) mapping to the remainder that’s left when we divide num by the size of the list. So if we apply this logic to the example above, instead of indexing at numbers[7], we would index at numbers[2], because there are 5 elements in the list, so 7 % 5 gives us 2.

Now, use this idea of “mapping to the remainder” to modify the function below. Note that you shouldn’t hard-code values and instead use the functions that would provide the correct value to you (i.e., for the number of elements, use len instead).

def getAdvice(num):
    Given an input number >= 0,
    return an element from the list,
    which we'd land on if we loop 
    around the list num times.

    stepsToSuccess = [ "Keep track of deadlines", \
                     "Read the book", \
                     "Do the homework yourself", \
                     "Attend lectures", "Ask questions", \
                     "Attend labs", "Enjoy studying" ]
    if num > 0 :
        advice = stepsToSuccess[num % ...] # TODO: replace ...
        return ...

Now is a good time to create and use the provided pytests to check if your function is correct. Add your own tests to verify that you are able to correctly return every value from the list. If you don’t write any other tests, at least write two tests that verify that your function correctly returns the first and the last requested values.

def test_getAdvice_1():
        assert getAdvice(6) == "Enjoy studying"
def test_getAdvice_2():
        assert getAdvice(100) == "Do the homework yourself"
def test_getAdvice_3():
        assert getAdvice(-1) == None

Use a for Loop and Keep Track of Indices

Recall that a for loop has the following structure:

    #loop body
    one or more statements

Let’s start with an easy for loop example to remind us how to use a for loop.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:

This code goes through the list to print out “apple”, “banana”, and “cherry”.

Now, use this code as a basis for a function print_list_index, which would produce the following output:

apple is at index 0
banana is at index 1
cherry is at index 2

Here’s the function definition:

def print_list_index( aList ):
    Given an input list aList,
    display "<item> is at index <N>"
    for each item in the list.
    pass # TODO: replace with the proper output

Test it by running it with the following examples:

>>> print_list_index(fruits)
apple is at index 0
banana is at index 1
cherry is at index 2

>>> print_list_index(["A", "B", "C"])
A is at index 0
B is at index 1
C is at index 2

Now, instead of indexing a list, you can write a function that finds at which index/indices a character is found within a string.

Write a function that uses a for loop and the range function to return a list of all indices at which a char occurred in the text. For example, if the input text is Mississippi and char is s, the function should return [2, 3, 5, 6]; if the char is M, the function should return [0]; if the char is i, you should get [1, 4, 7, 10].

def get_index_list(text, char):
    Given text and a single character char,
    which are both strings, return a list
    that contains the indices at which char 
    occurred in the text.
    If text or char is not a string, or if
    a char is longer than 1 character,
    return None. 
    If char is not found, return an
    empty list.
    return "stub"

Encryption and Decryption

First, some important background on cryptography.

Read the following instructions carefully to make sure you understand the process and what is being asked of you.

Encryption is a procedure that is used to transform a message (referred to as plaintext) in order to prevent anyone except the intended recipient from reading that data. The output of the process is called ciphertext, and it should be unintelligible without knowledge of the key and decryption algorithm.

Decryption is the reverse procedure: the process of making the encrypted data readable.

Substitution Cipher

We will start with a simple substitution cipher, which illustrates the process of encryption and decryption. (Read more about substituion cipher:

In a simple substitution cipher, we will replace each character of the plaintext alphabet with the corresponding ciphertext alphabet.

Here’s an example from WikiHow that uses only upper-case letters in the alphabet:

Generate the plaintext and ciphertext alphabets

To generate the plaintext alphabet, you need to assemble a string of all characters that should be included in your encryption algorithm. We will refer to this string as alphabet.

The alphabet should include all the lower case letters, followed by all the uppercase letters, then a space, a comma, a period, a hyphen ('-'), a tilde ('\~'), and a pound symbol ('#'). There should be no spacing between the symbols in the resulting alphabet; the only exception being the single space you are asked to add after the uppercase letters. Ensure that your alphabet is correct before proceding to prevent unexpected results.

Typing letters manually is tedious and error-prone, so you shouldn’t do it. Instead, use the module ascii_lowercase imported from the string library to construct the alphabet string. (Hint: you can either use str.upper() or ascii_uppercase to get the uppercase letters.)

import string
def createAlphabet():
    createAlphabet returns a string that includes 
    all lowercase letters,
    followed by all upper-case letters,
    then a space, a comma, a period, a hyphen('-'), 
    a tilde('~'), and a pound symbol ('#'). 
    NOTE: the order of characters in the alphabet is
    very important!
    In other words, the string being returned will be
    'abcdef...xyzABCDEF...XYZ ,.-~#' (the ellipses ...
    hide the alphabet letters)
    lc = string.ascii_lowercase
    uc = ...
    return lc + uc + " ,.-~#"

Let’s make our cipher alphabet be the reverse of the input plaintext alphabet.

Remember to write out your algorithm or the steps in pseudocode to make sure you understand how to approach the solution. Since you want to reverse the string, you want to find a way to move from the end of the input string toward the beginning… sounds like the solution will need len() and loops.

def createCipher( alphabet ):
    Given the input plaintext alphabet,
    return the reversed input.
    NOTE: createCipher() returns a string.
    return "stub"

You can test your createCipher function, first, with something simple to verify that it works, and then, by passing createAlphabet() as an input to verify that it was reversed correctly.

def test_createCipher_ABC():
    assert createCipher("ABC") == "CBA"

Note that there are more Pytest functions at the bottom of this page. Feel free to add your own tests. Add your pytest functions to the file

Encrypting text

Note that for this algorithm to work, the letters of the alphabet (and any other characters that should be allowed in the plaintext), as well as their order, must be fixed and should be the same for both encryption and decryption. For example, if you encrypt with the 26 letter English alphabet and decrypt with the 27-letter Spanish alphabet (including ñ), you won’t get the correct decrypted plaintext back.

Now that we have a way to generate our alphabets, let’s try to encode a sample message by substituting every character from our input plaintext with the corresponding character from the cipher alphabet.

# Given the plaintext, alphabet, cipher
# Create a string that will hold the ciphertext
# Loop through the plaintext
#   For every character in plaintext
#   Find its position/index in the alphabet
#   Get the character at the same index in cipher
#   Add the cipher-char to the ciphertext string
# Return the resulting ciphertext

You can now update the above pseudocode with the additional checks that are listed in the docstring of the simpleEncode function.

def simpleEncode(plaintext, alphabet, cipher):
    Given plaintext to encode,
    an alphabet and a cipher alphabet, return
    the encoded ciphertext.
    If the lengths of the alphabet and
    cipher are not the same, return -1.
    If a character from plaintext is not
    found in the alphabet, return None.
    return "stub"

Now, you can encode a message such as “hi”, by calling your function with this message, using createAlphabet() as the second argument, and using the same function (simpleEncode) as an input into createCipher, which will return the third argument that simpleEncode` needs.

>>> simpleEncode("HI", createAlphabet(), createCipher(createAlphabet()))

Decrypting text

Now that we have successfully converted our plaintext into a gibberish ciphertext, we can write the function that will “undo” our encryption and will decrypt the ciphertext back into plaintext.

def simpleDecode(ciphertext, alphabet, cipher):
    Given ciphertext to decode,
    an alphabet and a cipher alphabet, return
    the decoded plaintext.
    If the lengths of the alphabet and
    cipher are not the same, return -1.
    If a character from ciphertext is not
    found in the cipher alphabet, return None.
    return "stub"

You should be able to run simpleDecode("yx", createAlphabet(), createCipher(createAlphabet())) and get back the original string “HI” that you encoded above.

See if you can decode this message from your mentors:


Caesar cipher

A Caesar cipher is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption algorithms. In this algorithm, each letter of the plaintext is replaced by a different letter that is some fixed number of positions later in the alphabet. For example, with a shift number of 4, A would be replaced by E, B would become F, and so on.

In the next lab, you will write an encryption / decryption algorithm for the Caesar cipher.

In the rest of this lab, you will create two functions, which will be used as helper functions in the Caesar cipher.

Functions to Implement:

Function Details:

You already created a function that produces an alphabet: createAlphabet().

IMPORTANT: make sure that you use createAlphabet() as the helper function to generate the alphabet used by the encryption/decryption routines. You should be able to change the alphabet returned by createAlphabet() and all your other functions should still work correctly.

Upon receiving a character and a “key” this function gets the character to the right (“forward”) of char in the alphabet. To do so, it looks at the index of char in the alphabet and moves forward by the number of steps specified in the key.

For example, if you call this function with parameters “b” and 2 the result will be “d”. It is because “d” is 2 characters away from “b”. As another example, if you call this function with the input “a” and the total number of characters (len(createAlphabet()) the result will be “a” because you move it to the number of total characters and you will eventually land on the first character that you started the process on.

def getCharacterForward(char, key):
	Given a character char, and an integer key, 
    the function shifts char forward `key` steps.
    Return the new character.
    If `char` is not a single character, return `None`.
    If `key` is not an integer, return -1.
	return "stub"

This function is performing the opposite behavior of the previous function. After being called, it gets the character to the left of char by moving “backward” by the specified key positions in the alphabet. For example, if you this function with the parameter “c” and 2 the result is “a” and if you call it with “a” and len(createAlphabet()) the result is “a” because you are essentially moving over all the characters and so the result is the initial character.

def getCharacterBackward(char, key):
	Given a character char, and an integer key, 
    the function shifts char backward `key` steps.
    Return the new character.
    If `char` is not a single character, return `None`.
    If `key` is not an integer, return -1.
	return "stub"

Pytest Functions for

from lab05 import createAlphabet

'''Note: for some of these to work, your createAlphabet function must be working properly'''

from lab05 import createCipher

def test_createCipher_1():
    assert createCipher('lmnop') == 'ponml'
def test_createCipher_2():
    assert createCipher('asdfghjkl') == 'lkjhgfdsa'
def test_createCipher_3():
    assert createCipher(' &#A.,?QP') == 'PQ?,.A#& '
from lab05 import simpleEncode

def test_simpleEncode_1():
    assert simpleEncode('beep beep boop', createAlphabet(), createCipher(createAlphabet()))  == '~,,Qf~,,Qf~RRQ'
def test_simpleEncode_2():
    assert simpleEncode('only these characters have to be in alphabet', 'pq', 'st' ) == None

def test_simpleEncode_3():
    assert simpleEncode('only these characters have to be in alphabet', 'onlythescarvbip ', 'pasdfghjklzxcvbn' ) == 'pasdnfghjhnkglzlkfhzjnglxhnfpnchnvanlsbglchf'

def test_simpleEncode_4():
    assert simpleEncode('thisIsMyPlainText', 'someAlphabet','wrongLength') == -1
from lab05 import simpleDecode
def test_simpleDecode_1():
    assert simpleDecode('~,,Qf~,,Qf~RRQ', createAlphabet(),createCipher(createAlphabet())) == 'beep beep boop'

def test_simpleDecode_2():
    assert simpleDecode('tbamret s==sida', createCipher('abtes= rmid'), createCipher(createCipher('abtes= rmid'))) == 'midterms == bad'

def test_simpleDecode_3():
    assert simpleDecode('pasdnfghjhnkglzlkfhzjnglxhnfpnchnvanlsbglchf','onlythescarvbip ', 'pasdfghjklzxcvbn') == 'only these characters have to be in alphabet'

def test_simpleDecode_4():
    assert simpleDecode('abc','abg','ghj') == None

def test_simpleDecode_5():
    assert simpleDecode('abc','abg','ghzj') == -1

from lab05 import getCharacterForward
'''changes depending on alphabet used'''
def test_getCharacterForward_1():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterForward('a', 5) == 'f'
def test_getCharacterForward_2():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterForward('#', 5) == 'e'

def test_getCharacterForward_3():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterForward('a', 967) == 'N'
from lab05 import getCharacterBackward
'''changes depending on alphabet used'''
def test_getCharacterBackward_1():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterBackward('f', 5) == 'a'
def test_getCharacterBackward_2():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterBackward('e', 5) == '#'

def test_getCharacterBackward_3():
    # Note: This is using the alphabet used in createAlphabet()
    assert getCharacterBackward('N', 967) == 'a'

To be continued in the next lab…

Save your functions in a Python file named and in your directory lab05.

Submit your work to Gradescope

Congratulations, you are finished with this lab!

When submitting your files to Gradescope, you need to submit all requested files together, all at once, every time you submit your files to Gradescope. If you submit them one by one, Gradescope will only keep the last one that you submitted.

For this assignment, submit the and, and if applicable the screenshot of the extra credit, all together.

Extra Participation Credit

You have a chance to earn 5 extra points on this lab by participating in a research study. To get credit for your participation, you need to submit to Gradescope a screenshot of the final page of the survey that shows that you have completed it. The screenshot should clearly show that it was taken by you, so the best way to do it is to have your name that is part of the System Menu at the top right of the screen.


To better understand students’ attitudes about computer science, as well as what facilitates feelings of belonging in computer science classrooms, you are being asked to participate in an anonymous online survey. This survey should take 15-25 minutes and asks about how you think you fit in computer science, your interest and motivation for computing, your attitudes about others, and your career interests. Sometimes attitudes can change over time, so you will also be asked to take this survey again at the end of the semester. Thank you for your help!

The link is:

Acknowledgments: Thanks to Ana Nika and Matthew Buoni for the initial version of this lab, and to Noah Stier and Jose Cuellar for adapting it for this assignment. Additional thanks to Abtin Bateni, Rakshith Gopalakrishna, Radha Kumaran, and Sherry Chen for modularizing the functions, and to Olivia Gillam for creating the test functions.