lab03 : Conditionals, Nested Control Structures, and While Loops

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lab03 true Conditionals, Nested Control Structures, and While Loops Mon 01/27 09:00AM Tue 02/04 08:59AM

In this lab, you’ll get more practice with:

Because we want to make sure you understand the structure and the elements of the loops, throughout this lab you should use only while loops and direct comparisons (e.g., using ==), if you want to receive full credit for this lab (no other loops or in operator).

Lab03 Slides

You can view the accompanying slides to lab03 here.


In this lab, you will need to create two files:

Starter code is provided for you and is given at the bottom of this page. There are two files: the starter code and test cases from that go with that function definition. Your file names have to be exact, otherwise, you will get a 0 for the assignment on Gradescope.

Read all instructions (including docstrings) carefully

We recommend that you read through the whole lab first before starting to work on the lab.

You will complete the portions in the starter code by doing the following:

  1. Create a directory called ~/cs8/lab03 (using the mkdir command) and cd into that directory.
  2. Use idle3 (you might try idle3 & if you want to be able to type commands on your terminal window after IDLE opens).
  3. Use “New File” to create empty files called and in that ~/cs8/lab03 directory.
  4. ONE AT A TIME, copy the function definitions from the starter code (into the, and the tests that go along with those functions (into the, and get the tests to pass.
    • By one at a time, what I mean is, at your first step, copy ONLY the first function definition from the starter code and copy only the import statements and test cases from that go with that function definition.
    • Then, before you move on to the next function definition and its tests, get all of the tests from the one you just copied to pass.
    • Then, and only then, copy the next function definition and its tests into your files.
    • Repeat this until you have ALL of the function definitions and their tests, and all of them pass.

Read all instructions (including docstrings) carefully

As you make progress on the lab, we encourage you to submit to Gradescope periodically for several reasons:

Upload and to Gradescope.

Once you’re done with writing your functions, navigate to the Lab assignment “lab03” on Gradescope and upload your and files.

Starter code for the function definitions

# Submitted by: (insert name and perm number here)
# CS8 (W20)

# This file contains several incomplete function definitions with stub
# values. should have tests to check if the functions are correct.
# Your assignment is to complete each function according to the
# functions' descriptions.
# Once you complete a function, use pytest on the test functions
# in to see if your functions are working correctly

def charInWord(word, char):
    -charInWord() takes in a parameter word and another parameter 
    char and determines whether char is contained in word.
    -If word is not a string type, or if char is not a string type, the function
    should return None.
    -If word contains the letter char, the function should return True. Otherwise,
    it should return false. 
    - Note: When char is of type string, it should be of length 1. For example,
    char will be a single letter like “a” or “z.” We will not test for cases
    where char is more than one character, like char = “ab” 
    -*** Note: you will need to use a while loop and string indexing.***
    -*** You will not get full credit if you use other loops or the in operator.***
    return "stub"

def charWordList(wordList, char):
    - charWordList takes the parameter wordList the parameter char, and returns
    a list of all the strings that contain char.
    - If wordList is not a list type, or if char is not a string type, the function
    should return None.
    - If elements in wordList are not strings, those elements should just be ignored.
    - Note: When char is of type string, it will be of length 1. For example,
    char will be a single letter like “a” or “z.” We will not test for cases
    where char is more than one character, like char = “ab”
    - ***Hint: you will need to use a while loop, list indexing, and a call to
    your previous function. Once again, you may not use the in operator***
    - ***Make sure to use charInWord function that you previously wrote: 
    it is your helper function.***
    return "stub"

def addListElements(aList):
    -write a funciton that takes in a list (aList) of items and returns a tuple of length 2.
    -The 0th element of this tuple should be a sum of all the ints and
    floats in aList, and the 1st element of the tuple should be a
    concatenation of all the strings from aList
    -Other types (e.g., bool) should be ignored
    -If there are no ints or floats, the sum should be zero. If there are no strings,
    the second element of the tuple should be an empty string.
    ***Hint: think of creating a variables that you initialize to the default
    values (0 and ''), which will, for example, help you keep track of the running sum.***
    return "stub"
def buzzfeedQuizTrip(number):
    Return the corresponding trip destination based on the value of the user
    input using the following guidelines:
    [1-4]: "Hawai'i"
    (4-8]: "Bahamas"
    (8-12]: "Madagascar"
    (12-16]: "Fiji"
    (16-20]: "Iceland"
    -If the number is not an int type OR if the number is outside the range of
    [1-20], return the message "please enter a valid integer between 1 and 20"
    return "stub"
def converter(tuplelist):
    -Given a list of tuples containing student's first and last names return a list
    of strings with the student's first name, a space, their last name initial,
    followed by a period. 
    -E.g., if this tuple list was given [("Chris", "Gaucho"),("Harry", "Potter")]
    the resulting list would be ["Chris G.", "Harry P."]
    -If the tuple list is empty return an empty list. 
    return "stub"
def isPhoneNumber(digits):
    - Nithya asked for Nassim's phone number. She wants to write a function 
      to check if the number is a real phone number.
    - Returns True if `digits` is of type int and is ten numbers long. Otherwise return False.
    - Hint 1: You can check if digits is an int with type(digits) == int
    - Hint 2: To check the length of digits, you must convert it to a string first 
      using str(digits).
    return "stub"

Starter code for function tests

# Submitted by: (insert name and perm number here)
# CS8 (W20)

# TODO: add a line of code to include pytest

from lab03 import charInWord
# Test cases for charInWord:

def test_charInWord_1():
  assert charInWord("word", "d") == True
def test_charInWord_2():
  assert charInWord("", "d") == False
def test_charInWord_3():
  assert charInWord(8, "d") == None
def test_charInWord_4():
  assert charInWord("word", True) == None
def test_charInWord_5():
  assert charInWord("abcde", "f") == False


from lab03 import charWordList
# Test cases for charWordList: 

def test_charWordList_1():
  assert charWordList(["dog", "cat", "fish","wolf", "rabbit", "donkey"], "o") == ["dog", "wolf", "donkey"]
def test_charWordList_2():
  assert charWordList(["", 8, True, "groot", "grout"], "u") == ["grout"]
def test_charWordList_3():
  assert charWordList([""], "o") == []
def test_charWordList_4():
  assert charWordList(["", 8, True, "groot", "grout"], True) == None


from lab03 import addListElements
# Test cases for addListElements: 

def test_addListElements_1():
  assert addListElements(["I", 13, "Love", 12, "Shrek", 11]) == (36,"ILoveShrek")
def test_addListElements_2():
  assert addListElements(["", True, "groot", ""]) == (0,"groot")
def test_addListElements_3():
  assert addListElements([]) == (0,"")

def test_addListElements_4():
  assert addListElements(["What", True, "Are", "Those?"]) == (0,"WhatAreThose?")
from lab03 import buzzfeedQuizTrip
# Test cases for buzzfeedQuizTrip

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_1():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(1) == "Hawai'i"
def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_2():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(4) == "Hawai'i"

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_3():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(12) == "Madagascar"

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_4():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(18) == "Iceland"

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_5():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(7) == "Bahamas"

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_6():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(21) == "please enter a valid integer between 1 and 20"

def test_buzzfeedQuizTrip_7():
    assert buzzfeedQuizTrip(0) == "please enter a valid integer between 1 and 20"

from lab03 import converter
# Test cases for converter

def test_converter_1():
    assert converter([])==[]

def test_converter_2():
    assert converter([("Chris", "Gaucho"),("Harry", "Potter")])==["Chris G.", "Harry P."]

def test_converter_3():
    assert converter([("Stephen", "Curry"), ("Kobe", "Bryant"), ("Michael", "Jordan") , ("LeBron", "James"), ("James", "Harden")])== ["Stephen C.", "Kobe B.", "Michael J." , "LeBron J.", "James H."]
from lab03 import isPhoneNumber

# Tests for isPhoneNumber
def test_isPhoneNumber_1():
    assert isPhoneNumber("1234") == False
def test_isPhoneNumber_2():
    assert isPhoneNumber(8051112222) == True
def test_isPhoneNumber_3():
    assert isPhoneNumber(1234) == False
def test_isPhoneNumber_4():
    assert isPhoneNumber(3.14) == False
def test_isPhoneNumber_5():
    assert isPhoneNumber([0]) == False

Running test functions using pytest

The steps are the same as in Lab01.

You need to make sure that you are in the Terminal and run the following command (substituting the correct test file’s file name instead of

python3 -m pytest

Bonus! Make your own Spongebob Font generator!

Mocking Spongebob Meme This is an optional, extra credit exercise for you to have fun with strings, conditionals, and while loops.

You will need to submit this function in a separate file to a separate Gradescope assignment Lab03: Bonus.

This function is based off of the Mocking Spongebob Meme. Your task: to write a function that takes in a string message and returns the same message but so that it looks like the font from a Mocking Spongebob meme, meaning that it’s letters are randomly uppercase or lowercase. But in Python, strings are immutable (i.e you cannot directly modify them by changing individual characters). For example:

>>> word = "hello"
>>> word[0] = "H"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
    word[0] = "H"
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

Notice when we try to assign word[0] to be "H", we get an error. Because we cannot directly change/reassign the characters in the string message, we will instead declare an empty string variable called SpongebobText that we will add characters to one by one. We will access each character in message, decide whether to make a letter lowercase or uppercase, and then add it to SpongebobText.

To decide whether or not to make a letter uppercase or lowercase, we will pick a random number between 0 and 10 (you’ll see how to do that below). If that number is even, make the letter lowercase and add it to SpongebobText. Otherwise, make the letter uppercase and add it to SpongebobText.

This function will require you to use Python functions you are probably unfamiliar with: two of them are someStr.lower() and someStr.upper(), where someStr is a string variable. lower() takes a string variable and returns a lowercase version of it. upper() takes a string variable and returns an uppercase version of it.

>>> word = "Hello"
>>> word[0].lower()
>>> print(word)
>>> word.upper()
>> print(word)

Note that upper() or lower() do not modify the variable word: they return a new string with the characters that are either in lower or upper case..

You will also have to use random.randint(a,b) which returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.

>>> random.randint(0, 5)
>>> random.randint(0, 7)

For the spongebobFont() function, every time you index a character in message, you will want to generate a random integer between 0 and 10. Then, if that integer is even, you should add a lowercase version of that letter to SpongebobText. Otherwise, add an uppercase version of that letter to SpongeboText.

Here is the starter code:

import random

def spongebobFont(message):
    - Given an input string, go through the string character by character and
    decide whether or not to make a specific character uppercase or lower case. 
    -E.g., if message = "hello", first look at the first character 'h'. Then pick
    a random integer. If that integer is even, add a lowercase 'h' to 
    SpongebobText. Otherwise, add an uppercase 'H' to SpongebobText. 
    Do this for every character in message.
    SpongebobText = ""  # This is the string we will add characters to and return at the end of our function
    random.seed(7919)   # Do not edit this line!
    i = 0   # This is the index variable we will use to index message
    while i < ... # TODO: while i is less that the length of sentence; replace ... with the rest of the expression
        num = ... # TODO: pick a random number from 0 to 10
        if ...  # TODO: if num is even; replace ... with the expression to check if num is even
            SpongebobText += ... # TODO: make the letter at index i in message lowercase and add it to SpongebobText
        else:   # otherwise num is odd
            SpongebobText += ... # TODO: make the letter at index i in message uppercase and add it to SpongebobText
        i = ... # TODO: update i by 1
    return SpongebobText
def test_spongebobFont():
    assert spongebobFont("Beep boop, I'm a computer") == "bEeP booP, i'M a cOmpUter"

Submit this function in a separate file to a separate Gradescope assignment Lab03: Bonus.

Last Step: Submit your files to Gradescope

Please DO NOT upload your file to Gradesope without testing locally first (i.e., using pytest). Once you see your tests are passing, THEN submit a version to Gradescope.

Acknowledgment: Special thanks to Olivia Gillam, Sara Mandic, Noemi Rieber, April Sanchez, and Cindy Zhao who helped design this lab at UCSB for CS 8 (W20).