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Today’s lecture:


Some more Terminology

Syntax: Grammar, how you say something
Semantics: Meaning, what it does.

syntactically incorrect PI equals 3.14159
semantically incorrect PI = "apple"


Strings: Collections of characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 + special characters)
Indexing strings and substrings
    - In a string, we can extract certain pieces from it.
    - This is known as "parsing" a string
    - Positions in a string start at index 0

schoolName = "UCSB"
print(len(schoolName)) # 4
print(type(schoolName)) # str
#print(schoolName[4]) #ERROR
print(schoolName[-1]) # B - refers to the last index
#print(schoolName[-5]) # ERROR

#Extract a substring
print(schoolName[1:3]) # from position 1 up to (but not
                       # including) position 3

print("Does", school, "contain 'S'?", 'S' in school)

* Indexing strings and substrings
    - In a string, we can extract certain pieces from it.
    - This is known as "parsing" a string
    - Positions in a string start at index 0

schoolName = "UCSB"
print(len(schoolName)) # 4
print(type(schoolName)) # str
#print(schoolName[4]) #ERROR
print(schoolName[-1]) # B - refers to the last index
#print(schoolName[-5]) # ERROR

#Extract a substring
print(schoolName[1:3]) # from position 1 up to (but not
                       # including) position 3
# compute salary
hours = 40
rate = 10
salary = hours * rate
print("Salary is $", salary) # Notice quotes aren't displayed on the string in the outpout

# We use something called ESCAPE CHARACTERS to print
# special characters including quotes.

print("\"Hi!\"") # \" is the double quote characters
print("Hi\nthere\n!") # \n is the newline character

# Another larger example
TAX_RATE = 0.1
print("Hi, please enter your name: ")
userName = input()
print("Hi", userName, ". What is the amount of your bill \
(not including tax and tip)?")
totalBill = float(input()) #be careful, will crash if not float
print("What is the tip percentage you would like to leave?")
tipPercentage = float(input())
taxAmount = totalBill * TAX_RATE
tipAmount = totalBill * (tipPercentage / 100)
print("The total amount to pay is $", totalBill + taxAmount + tipAmount)