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lec20, Thu 12/05
Recursion + Exam Review
Code from lecture
def sumOdd( L ):
return a sum of odd integers in L
recursive solution
If the list is empty or contains odd values
return the sentinel value of None
if len(L) == 1: # base case
if (L[0] % 2 == 1): # odd
return L[0]
elif (L[0] % 2 == 0): # even
return None
else: # recursive case
last_el = L.pop()
if (last_el % 2 == 1):
return last_el + sumOdd(L) # input the smaller list
return sumOdd(L)
These were the cases (input and output) we identified that we can test our algorithm on:
[] --> None
[1] --> 1
[2] --> None
[1,1] --> 2
[2,2] --> None
[1,2] --> 1
Notice that the above solution does not handle the empty list. How would you modify the code to correctly return None
if the list is empty?
This is just one possible implementation of this function. Alternatively, you can be processing the list starting from the first element instead.
A great question/discussion during the lecture pointed out that None
as a sentinel value allows us to distinguish it from 0, which is a valid sum if our list is not empty and contains, for example, [-1, 1]